Monday, 15 April 2013

Question 2

           How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The soul character of the film, Emily, who is featured the most in my opening, is a homeless person. I present her as being deprived of wealth, shelter and also incredibly lost. This is shown by her being continuously on the move implying that she has nowhere in particular to go. The fact that in the entire second half of the opening she is alone with no contact with other creates a sense of isolation and that she is forgotten furthermore, I imply that the lack of wealth means she is an insignificant part of society.

Emily also belongs into the teenage social group. She is not presented as a stereotypical teenager but the innocence and vulnerability of this social group is constantly pushed upon the audience during the film. Ultimately, her weakness is portrayed particularly from the cuts and bruises she has is what suggests her to be vulnerable as audiences are led to thought that she has been led to be pushed around and/or has no physical strength thus is frail.

My character Emily is similar to ‘Joanne’s’ in ‘London to Brighton’ in that her vulnerability and innocence is continuously discussed. Particularly in ‘Kelly’s’ speech which she repeatedly says ‘she’s just a kid.’

 Left: Joanne
 Right: Emily 

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