Monday, 22 October 2012

Preliminary Exercise Final Cut

Overall I am quite pleased with how it turned out.
For this exercise we did not focus on the story but on what we needed to get done for example, there were certain techniques we were told to include such as match on action and eyeline matching. We focussed more on the technical side of this like getting the camera angles right and the continuity of the video perfect.
I would say on a personal level that I made an average contribution to my group. This is because I did not take part in the filming, however. I did watch as they filmed the exercise and expressed my opinion eg. if I think they needed to do another take or if they needed to move the camera. My main input came from the editing. Although I did have a lot of help from more experienced students they let me take over a lot of the time and also their help made me learn how to do things which otherwise I would not know.
At the moment I think that I am more skilled in editing. I would like to have more practice on the camera though but in my group people did argue over who should be working with the camera and I personally did not mind at the time what I did. 

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